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Learning about love from Tosca, the horse

Two years ago, I had a lovely conversation with the school pony Tosca. It's always stayed with me. I took her out grazing so she could get a break from the sandy paddock and I asked her how she was feeling. She told me she felt 'happy' and I was surprised because I know she works hard and I'm often concerned about her. I told her that's wonderful what made her so happy? She replied 'because I feel loved' and she showed me this beautiful image of pink beams of light radiating from her heart. This helped me realise that no matter what someone is going through, loving them makes all the difference. There's always something we can do for an animal in need, simply sending genuine love from your heart can be felt so profoundly. It was such a beautiful moment and just had capture the feeling she gave me in watercolours to share

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