Through my work I empower guardians to care for, respect, honour and understand their animals as best they can. I dream of a world where connecting with animals and all of nature is 'normal', because it is most certainly a natural way of being for all of us. I am often asked if I teach then won't I will be creating competition for myself? My answer is an emphatic no! There is always enough for everyone and one of my biggest passions is teaching. I love seeing the look on my students faces when they realise they have connected for the first time (formally). I also dream of a time where my services are no longer needed, where we are all so connected and understanding of our animal companions that communication just flows.
My purpose is to serve the animal kingdom and all of nature through connecting guardians with their beloved animals and honouring the voices of the animals that decide to connect with us.
I volunteer my services to support many rescues, as serving animals in need is integral to my work. If you are looking for assistance with any rescue animals in your organisation, please be in touch, I would love to help if I am able. Please also contact me if you would like to run a workshop for your staff/volunteers to enhance their connection to the beautiful animals you serve.

How it Started
I have loved animals ever since I can remember. When I was six years old I wanted to be a vet so I could help all the sick animals. I was obsessed with animals; loving and talking to any I came across and I was constantly drawing them from the many animal books I had. I also always seemed to befriend a cat wherever I went (and I still do!).
Throughout my teenage years I spent my time learning from horses and I visited my local stables daily. I eventually started teaching horse riding and found this to be a wonderful avenue to teach children to love and respect all animals and nature. It was here that I met my (now) beloved horse, Jack. He is my teacher, healer and best friend and he inspired me to start my animal communication journey.
I had always understood that animals could sense exactly what we are thinking and feeling and I have taught this to my students for many years. It was only when I attended a workshop with Diane Budd that I realised I could hear them too. This was a life changing experience.
I have always loved nature and gardening so I naturally also loved Diane's Zoopharmacognosy (Self Selection) course. I now lovingly grow many of my own herbs and medicinal plants to offer animals to support their wellness. I am also a Reiki Master from the Usui System and this has been an invaluable healing tool to support my work as an Animal Communicator. The combination of physical remedies such as plants and essential oils with energy work like Reiki all the while communicating with the animal often results in profound healing on a physical, emotional and spiritual level. I am so honoured to be able to facilitate healing for animals - it is a six year old girl's dream come true and my life's purpose.
Smile FM
March/April 2023
Fairlady Magazine
May/June 2023

Op Reis Met My Beste Vriend
June 2023